
Dv dy uarch du dy capan.
du dy pen du dy hunan
i adu ae ti ysgolan.
Mi iscolan yscolheic
ysgawin y puill iscodic.
guae ny baut a gaut guledic.
O losci ecluis. a llat buch iscol.
a llyfyr rod y voti.
vy penhid. ys trum kynhi.
Creaudir y creadurev. perthidev muyhaw.
kyrraw de imi vy gev.
ath vradas te am twyllas ynnev.
Blyutin llaun im rydoded.
ym. bangor ar paul cored.
Edrich de poen imy gan mor pryued.
Bei ys cuypun ar vn. mor amluc guint.
y vlaen bric guit fallum.
ar a vvneuthum e bith nys gunaun.
mountain gavotte
as plain as wind before the branch
words clothe articulate nature
here, life is movement
but slow
preseli trees are traces of time
tracks from a seeds urge
their shape the path of their history
bent by a crow's beak the scholars'
black flute twists the branch
persuaded by light, directed by wind
brilliant, unsymbolic lines
the mark of the action
taut against the reflected ocean sky
beverley evans reading the text here